Sun trip , le monde à vélo solaire !


Tous les articles de Alex Hofvander
Battery story Battery story
09.02.21 - Alex Hofvander
I actually tore my newly built battery apart and gave it a completely new form factor. Why? You know when something is nagging you. Like did I close t...
Tuto : How Do Solar Panels Work Tuto : How Do Solar Panels Work
13.05.20 - Alex Hofvander
🇬🇧 : I am not comfortable in front of a camera and do not enjoy speaking english in front of a camera. But I will do it anyway 🇸🇪 : Uuj vad jag inte g...
Test ride Test ride
23.04.20 - Alex Hofvander
Vilken dag jag haft! Väderprognosen för resten av veckan såg ju skräp ut så jag fick bråttom ut idag. Ville ju testa hela ekipaget i sin helhet. Först...
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