Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Nina Wollner

Nina Wollner

Age 57 years
Nationality Norwegian & French


Nina arrived in France in 1987, never to leave. Great sportswoman, she practiced karate, then trail and finally ultra-trail (ultra of Lozère, the 75 km of 100 miles, ultra of Madeira, GRP challenge 3 days …)!

She will experience her first real cycling adventure during the Sun Trip Europe 2021.

She is the first representative of Norway in the Sun Trip project.

Solar bike

I chose this bike, a Canyon Pathlite 4, because the manufacturer offers a 2xs frame. I’m not very tall and I had to make sure that the seat was high enough to be able to hang the tow bar on the trailer. I had it shipped to Guillaume Devot, Déclic-Eco for conversion to an electric bike. Grinhub baserunner motor kit, 1000W motor in the front wheel, 48V batteries in two panniers.

I then bring it to Corsica, there Frédéric Verrons [another STE21 participant] gave me an Aevon single-wheel trailer. We made a few adaptations and changes to the bike (saddle, wrists…) then I tried out the bike and the trailer without a panel and I quickly got used to the electric assistance system. We did some nice rides around Bonifacio and I immediately felt good on this bike.


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