Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Organization News

D-2 / Meeting in Lyon

10.04.2024 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

For the 5th time since 2017, the Sun Trip is returning to Lyon, and for the 2nd time as the starting point for an international edition. We’re staying true to the commitment we made at the time to Lyon’s elected representatives, by making the city our home port.

Our participants are meeting in Lyon. They come from all over Europe, and some will have travelled over 1000 km to reach the start! All of them will have experienced very poor weather conditions on their way, reminding them that it’s still early spring! The only absentee on this first day of the event, Romanian Lucaci Arnold Vasile, will have suffered from the bad weather more than the others, coming from Denmark. We hope to see him arrive before Friday’s start.

At the camp, it only took a few minutes for the Sun Trip magic to work, and you could see the satisfaction on everyone’s faces at having made it to the start, which is in itself a first victory after so many months of preparation. “Excited to be finally starting the adventure” soberly sums up Frenchman Bertrand Goudenhooft (who worked until 3am before joining the group!). A feeling of “finding friends who share the same passion and speak a common language“, say Belgians Géry and Baudouin.

This welcome time is there to form the spirit of the group, before a solitary but always connected adventure, but also to carry out the technical checks on the bikes, as well as the break for the GPS beacons. We hope that everyone will be validated for the start on Friday.

Beyond the pleasure of getting together and the impatience of departure, a base camp is also an opportunity to express these fears. “It’s a mix of excitement and fear. How can you not be scared before setting off on an 8000km journey?” confirms 2021 champion Jean-Marc Dubouloz. “Yes, there’s apprehension about the duration and the solitude” Bertrand tells us. “I’m afraid for my performance (I have to ride 8 hours a day for the next 5 weeks) and I’m afraid for the performance and weight of my bike” confesses Czech rider Michael Polàk, as he embarks on his third major Sun Trip. For Géry and Baudouin, the sources of concern are: “1. The mechanics. 2. The sun 3. Electronics 4. Physical condition“.

Two good nights’ sleep and the group dynamic should enable everyone to fully mobilize and surpass their limits from Friday’s departure. That’s the beauty of the trip and the strength of the Sun Trip!

Anecdotes of the day:

Michael Polàk & Jiri :We were invited to spend the night at a German man’s house, a member of a German club of people who host bike travelers in their homes.

Bertrand Goudenhooft : “As a baker, I worked until the last minute, very early this morning…, then I loaded the bike into a van to drive to Lyon“.

Jean-Marc Dubouloz : “1st stop at Lidl” (you have to have followed 2021) to understand 😉

Baudouin De Hemptinne : “While riding, I lose my glasses. I stop at Géry’s level to complain about it and at that moment a man stops in front of our bikes, our solar bikes which are always the object of all the attention show up and tell me I found your glasses!!! The magic of the attraction of this bike”.

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