Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!

Change of the bike for the Sun Trip

26.05.2021 - Ralf Lewien
Ralf Lewien Ralf Lewien

I have to say good bye to this white beauty for several weeks.

My plan was to ride it at  the Sun Trip Europe, but I had to realize that I would not get it ready right in time. Mechanically it’s well prepared, but the work on the solar support takes much more time in reality than I imagined in my optimistic mind. So I decided to switch to plan B and will continue the work on the velomobile after the Sun Trip, in order to use it in one of the next editions.

Now, for this edition, I’m preparing my faithful Wolf & Wolf recumbent which I already used 2019 in the Sun Trip Tour and 2020 in the Sun Trip Prologue. Also on this bike there is still some work, it will get some small modifications like front suspension, tubeless tires, modified electric system for lights and USB charging and a foldable additional 120W solar panel for the stops. Evolution instead of revolution :-).

While riding I will use again only the 170W panel from last year.

Let’ see how it works… I’m really looking forward to the Sun Trip!

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