Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
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Recumbent fever!

12.01.2020 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

The great performanes of Mickaël Joguet, Stéphane Bertrand and Laurent Souchet on The Sun Trip 2018 seem to have inspired a lot of 2021 participants !

Here arefive recumbent bike are under construction:

  • – Nazca Pioneer for Switss Eliott Guenat. Directly inspired by Mickaël and Stéphane’s bikes. Grin Hub engine, Li-MN 48 v 21 ah battery, 150 WC solar roof installed by Declic-eco and 220 w with the Touzet trailer soon.
  • Azub Six for the duo Auguste Colle and Jack Butler. They just received their bikes and are in reflection on how to turn them into a solar mode.
  • Nazca Pionner for french français Yannick Mendousse
  • Azub Six for Czech Damon Vrcok

This 5participants should be among the fastest competitors of the Lyon-Canton 2021 edition!

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