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Organization News

Stopover in Haute-Maurienne-Vanoise

08.08.2020 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

Discover the first images, photos and videos of the passage of the Sun Trip France in Haute-Maurienne-Vanoise and in the Vanoise National Park. An incredible feeling of freedom, in the beauty of the Savoy mountains.

In Val Cenis we were welcomed at the CIS éthic étapes, for the 5th leg in partnership with this union.

In the Vanoise National Park we were carrying out an operation around the Plan du Lac refuge, partly solar powered, in the presence of the Director of the Park and the President of the Haute-Maurienne-Vanoise Tourist Office.

The time was extended by a visit accompanied by guides of the Park and an overnight stay at the refuge. A dream.

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