Le belge Raf Van Hulle, champion du Sun Trip Lyon-Canton 2018, vient de sortir un livre de 220 pages pour raconter dans le détails son aventure.

Ce livre, uniquement disponible en flamand et anglais, donne une vision impressionnante de la préparation et des efforts nécessaires pour jouer les premières places sur un Sun Trip. Raf donne beaucoup de conseils, révèle certaines anecdotes inédites, en illustrant le tout par les photos prises tout au long de 45 jours de route. Un guide pratique qui intéressera tout ceux qui sont intéressés par la performance et le dépassement de soi.
Le livre peut être commandé directement auprès de l’auteur . Contact via Facebook : Raf Van Hulle.
Pour les livraisons en France, de la version anglaise, il est préférable de passer par l’organisation du Sun Trip, en envoyant un email à : organisation@thesuntrip.com 29 euros + 9 euros de livraison pour la France. 29 euros + 17 euros de livraison hors France.
Paiement par chèque ou Paypal.
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The Silk Road has been a trade and transport route for thousands of years. Luxury goods like spices and silk could be in transit for two years by horse and camel. In the Middle Ages, merchant ships from Europe took four months to reach Asia. After WWII, man started pumping and consuming oil on a massive scale. Transport times dropped dramatically, but this addiction to fossil fuels has in only one century created the current Climate Crisis. If we care about the future of our children, new and sustainable solutions are needed.
Raf Van Hulle designed a solar bike that makes it possible to take long journeys without using one drop of oil. Not in a heaving sailboat on the high seas, but overland using a combination of muscle power and sun. On a bicycle that converts light into speed.
In 2018, Raf participated in the Sun Trip, an international race for solar-assisted bicycles. 12000 km from Lyon in France to Canton on the east coast of China; the longest unassisted land race ever! The asphalt of the new Silk Road was still steaming when Raf as the very first user raced over it, like a pioneer trying to herald in a new age of sustainable travel. He swept through the East bloc and Russia, traversed the hot steppes of Kazakhstan, and made his way through jungle and karst mountains. After 44 days, he reached the finish line 1500 km ahead of his competitors. A very convincing win!
In this exciting travel book, you look over his shoulder and take part in the adventure. A story about colourful but also dangerous roads, vodka, police checks and bush meat, surviving on your wits and adapting to local conditions. He describes the secrets of his solar bike and the challenges you must face and overcome.
Raf Van Hulle, designer-architect by profession, tries to live and work in a healthy, balanced and sustainable way. His solar bike was designed for his own needs, but carries a message for all mankind…