Sun trip , le monde à vélo solaire !
Blog des Suntrippers

My Sun Trip 2018 movie

15.01.2021 - Dirk Huyghe
Dirk Huyghe Dirk Huyghe

For those who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the last Sun Trip 2018 to China …

Exceptionel (especially, in these bad times …) I want to give you the opportunity to see the full movie that I made and where you can see some of the the participants as Peter Helsen, Raf van Hulle, Dänu Jenni…

I have put the 2 parts (of the full movie of about 45 minutes) on my account of VIMEO

and all of you (members of the Sun Trip) can see the movie with the password « suntrip2018dirk »

Enjoy !

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