Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Adrien Acres

Adrien Acres

Age 44 years
Nationality French

The solar bike of Adrien

Moteur Bafang BBS02B 750W couplé à un RH212
Battery : 3 Blackpack GOUACH 13S4P (SAMSUNG INR1865-35E 3500mAh)
Panneaux solaires : 2 x 230Wc Véhicule basé sur un Vhélio, modifié pour le Suntrip. Poids : environ 100kg
My bike is based on a Vhélio whose structure is in open source on the website of the association "Vélo Solaire Pour Tous". After a workshop in Lorraine in March, I started building my own Vhélio. I then made some modifications ... many modifications. First, the motorization to compensate the weight (100kg!); the Bafang and the RH212 are coupled to one and the same Cycle Analyst, and a potentiometer allows me to switch progressively the power from the rear wheel to the pedal motor for the climbs and vice versa to regenerate in the descents. Then the solar panels, are two with a MPPT by panel. The latter are now tiltable. I replaced the driver's seat with a lighter one and kept the original passenger seat but without the mounting rails. There are many things I could add here, but the easiest way is to talk about it in person!
Adrien Acres

His Vision of the Sun Trip

The Sun Trip is an opportunity to realize a childhood dream, to build a solar-powered vehicle. It is also an opportunity to meet other enthusiasts who are both enthusiastic about technology and ecology.

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